Monday, February 8, 2010

How do i file fraud charges against someone submitting false information to the court system about me?

My fiance's ex has filed numerous documents falsely accusing me and him of ';made up stories'; to control our lives. Her latest was a restraining order with falsified information against me, trying to prevent me from ever being within 100 yds of her and their children (shared custody). My relationship with their children is the only thing healthy in this whole ordeal. She actually made up a story about my grabbing her wrist infront of the children (9 and 3). This never happened. Even as crazy as she is, I would never even say anything bad about her infront of the children, let alone touch her. Any advice to make her stop abusing the system and controlling our lives???How do i file fraud charges against someone submitting false information to the court system about me?
Just complaining on this forum will get you squat - you need an attorney!How do i file fraud charges against someone submitting false information to the court system about me?
This doesn't constitute the formal definition of ';fraud.'; Rather you are dealing with someone who is providing the police with false allogations and potentially trying to bring you up on false charges.

What can you do?

Keep detailed records of all relevant events, conversations etc with anyone connected with the case. Where possible, have a reliable witness at all pertinent meetings, interviews and phone conversations with the woman.

If you are arrested, be co-operative and courteous. If you are accused of crimes you did not commit, deny them. However, consider very carefully before giving your defence to the arresting officers. Be aware that information you provide may be taken out of context, or the nature of the allegations may change if you provide proof that you could not have committed the alleged offence at the time and place accused. Apart from giving your name and contact details, you have the right to remain silent. Be aware that you have the right to request that your lawyer be present before answering any questions.

On your first court appearance, usually you can enter no plea. Ensure your lawyer requests bail and name suppression. Join a support group (COSA or equivalent) which can help by: letting you know you are not alone with this problem;

pooling information and strategies of how to deal with these issues; assisting you deal with the emotional consequences of false allegations such as grief, anger, frustration, bewilderment, bitterness.

A strong strategy is to simply avoid the woman as much as you possibly can.

How do you keep her from doing this and controlling your lives? Well, there isn't much you can do if you want to stay with this woman's exhusband. Watch your back and make sure you can defend any allogations at all times.

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