He has made false accusations against me and my new husband, and is now taking me to court. He has manipulated the courts before and also has my family on his side.My ex is taking me to court for custody of our 2 children with false accusations, what do I do?
This is the result of the feminization of men. This is usually done by women. He must have had a single mother.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\My ex is taking me to court for custody of our 2 children with false accusations, what do I do?
As this idea seems to have been created to ask this question, it makes me wonder why you are seeking advice in this forum.
The fact that your family has taken his side by itself means nothing.
If your ex is a pathological liar, he would easily be able to manipulate the view of your family members.
You already know that you need a good lawyer, so stating that fact again is redundant.
The court is not interest in what people know, only what can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Your ex could have the best lawyers going, but if there is no proof of the accusations, then at best they amount to defamation of character, and you should speak to your lawyer about counter-suing your ex on the charge.
Hope this helps.
Get a good lawyer and figure out how you can document *anything* and *everything* to the contrary of his claims. It's hard to believe that your family would be against you if the accusations were false, but I guess some families aren't made up of the best, most supportive people, so I hope the truth comes out either way.
Think of any emails you have, doctors records, school records, school notes, anything you might have that will show that you are a good parent and bring everything with you.
Have proof that just one of his accusations is totally false, that tends to make the courts less likely to believe anything else they are submitting that is in a gray area.
Use cell phone records, and witnesses if you have any, to disprove his allegations. Then while you are there I would open up the custody discussion from your end. If he is going to make false allegations and turn the kids against you then that is in contempt of the custodial agreement and I would ask the court to restrict his time. If he can't play nice, then you make sure the judge knows it!
well obviously betty and shar b or what ever ur name is u dnt know family can be human and also be asshole's just like evryone else which to me personally makes u seem a bit immature cause i mean can a father not be a murder just cause hes a father!!! I cant believe ppl, here u are worried ur goin to lose ur children and ppl are here offendin u when u need advise god r they hipacritical much!
Any way it will be evidence agenst evidence really hun try getting a good lawyer and make sure the courts know that u and ur family are not on talking term and things they do say will only be out of angry and pettyness!! Hopefully the judge will see ur side but hopefully u will at lease b able to see them weekendly!!! good luck! P.s record everything every sms phone call email msn log everything!!!!
If he's got your family on HIS side, you must have really messed with your family. Family is your blood! What on earth did you do to them to make them side with their non blood??? Wow! Lady, I'd hire a lawyer and fast!
I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe that his accusations against you are false, if he has your own family on his side. I think the judge will feel the same way.
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