Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I made a false statement to a police officer and it ended up having to go to what do I do?

My husband and I have been seperated for the past 10 months and I made a false statement to the police saying he pushed me down the stairs and that I was next door neighbor called the cops and the rescue came..I told the police officers what happened and lied about it and the case has gone to superior court.I am supposed to testify tomorrow but nothing really happened.I was just mad at him. what is going to happen to me?I made a false statement to a police officer and it ended up having to go to what do I do?
You have statistics working against you on this one.

First of all, it is common for victims of abuse to feel remorse and want to withdraw their statements.

Secondly, statistics show the truth comes easy, and lies require conscious thought. Studies also show it is more difficult to lie whey you are in a heightened emotional state. For these reasons, your initial statement will be given more credibility. For the same reasons, it is not likely the prosecutor will be interested in pursuing charges against you.

Even if you attempt to invoke your Fifth Amendment privilege, the prosecutor can ask the judge for ';one time immunity';. This means anything you say will not be used against you. You can then be compelled to testify.I made a false statement to a police officer and it ended up having to go to what do I do?
You do not have to make any statements in court that will incriminate yourself. 5th amendment. Explain to the judge that any statements you made at the height of emotional turmoil were true to the best of your knowledge if need be, but I would stick with the silence approach. If you are asked to make a statement that you feel will get you in to legal trouble you just look everyone right in the eye and say, ';Fifth amendment, I will not answer that question.'; And in the future, don't lie to the police, say NOTHING to the police. They are NOT there to help you they are there to make sure that someone is punished in some way.
Your husband will declare you unworthy mother- he will have full custody of the child- every month you will pay monthly - child SUPPORT.-money..that will teach a lesson to lie ...against your wonderful husband.
Just tell them you're a pathological lying whore and they probably won't do anything about it.
Just say ya can't recall. Politicians do all the time, u don't see them in jail.
The judge will probably push you down some stairs
You will probably go to jail! or if you have a good lawyer you should be fine. ask a lawyer that question for free.
ask your lawyer........and you're dumb for being with an abusive man
Mark Twain (Sammy Clements) once said, ';If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.';

That being said, you will always have to remember what you said, to whom you said it to, when you said it, where you were when you said it, etc. No one can remember all of the minor and insignificant details. So you will eventually get caught. Some detail that you reported will be denied by you later and that person will remember what you said that is different.

You can be charged with swearing a false statement to the police. Your credibility for any future violence by your husband against you will carry very little or no weight at all. At least your story may be called into question unless you have serious physical injuries to back up your claims. Expect your husband's attorney to question you about what happened. He will find discrepancies in your story vs what you told the police.

The fifth amendment probably won't help you here. You made a claim of abuse. You will have to testify to support your claim. Failure to testify may cast doubt about the incident. This is not like the state charging you with a crime where you could claim the 5th.

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