Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Should Professor Henry Lewis Gates of Harvard Sue Cambridge Police Dept. For False Arrest? Courts to Decide?

No, but I think Sgt. Crowley should sue him.Should Professor Henry Lewis Gates of Harvard Sue Cambridge Police Dept. For False Arrest? Courts to Decide?
Yes. of course!! He has a right to be upset as he wants to be. Police came into his home and after seeing his ID and university ID arrested him. You can say what you want about who ever mother you want to!! Of course he was upset when they didn't believe he was who he said he was. He pays the bills for that house and after they see his ID's they still need to call and verify I would have been highly upset too. A lot of people don't want to admit that race had something to do with it because they've never been affected by racism but hello!! Yes it still happens and if he was white it would have been settled after seeing his ID or a break-in never would have been called in anyway!! Get over it people racism still exist!!Should Professor Henry Lewis Gates of Harvard Sue Cambridge Police Dept. For False Arrest? Courts to Decide?
As a matter of fact he should sue the police department. They should have not arrested the man in the first place after he presented his id from the university and his state issued id. The officers knew it was his home, and there was no need to arrest him. What would you do if a police officer asked you to see your id in your own home, you do so, then they arrest you? I think that it it a racial thing, and I'am a white attorney. I just believe that the police did do a false arrest.
I do not believe this arrest was racially based but attributed based,

The problem that majority of supports of the officer forget is a little something called the first amendment right to free speech, Now we all know we are not free to say anything we like at any time, but in order to curtail a person right of speech the restriction must past a strict scrutiny test,

So in Gates case: while the investigation was under way, the professor gates was not free to say or act how ever he wanted, but once that investigation concluded, and professor gates decided to give attitude to the officer rightfully or wrongfully, unless those words where “fighting words” i.e. hostile intent against the officer or others, the officer did not have the right to arrest for disorderly conduct on his own porch, even though the porch is quasi public,

Demanding in a boisterous manner the officer ID and badge number on his own porch is a first amendment right at that point, saying I’ll see your mama on the porch while rude does not equate to a criminal offense, The first amendment does say you can be rude to Presidents, politicians, School teachers, etc, but in no way in any manner can you be rude to a officer of the law

The DA dropped the case not from pressure but they looked at the incident report i.e. the officer own words and rightfully found that a older man, on his own porch acting in a Tumultuous manner i.e. noisy/ greatly agitated did not equate to a criminal complaint solely on his first amendment right to free speech

Also Since the officer teaches racial profiling you would assume he would be able to identify the likely route cause of the professors tumultuous manner, rightly or wrongfully on the professor side and factor it into his assessment on the situation

In my opinion what happen was professor on his own porch was giving lip to the officer in front of fellow officers and members of the public neither one was going to back down, but both should have temper their actions; the end result professor is arrested and the officer name is splashed all over the world, a outcome I think neither wanted in the end
No. An investigation has already been done, and Crowley was found to have acted appropriately. Gates is backing off now, because he knows that the 911 call and testimony from neighbors will show that HE was disorderly and racist.
I wish he would. That way the truth would be brought out that Gates acted like a racist moron.
I think Professor Gates should do what his Attorneys thinks is necessary.

I am still trying to figure out why the police called for back up after he saw Gates ID? Adn called for Harvard Police to verify Gates lived in this house?
False arrest? The arrest was very real, and for a good reason too. Gates was making a public disturbance and harrassing an officer who was calmly trying to sort out the situation and keep Gates under control.

Gates is an arrogant, racist elitist who deserved to spend a few hours in jail. Almost everyone in Massachusetts supports Crowley (except the governor, the Boston Globe, and Gates' Harvard buddies) and it should be the police department who sues Gates for defamation.
Yes. Originally I thought that he should be content with an apology from the arresting officer. But now the officer has said ';I have nothing to apologize for.'; He needs to be educated about free speech, and unfortunately that may require a law suit.

I don't know whether there was genuine racism on the part of the police officer, or whether Gates was being as nasty as described. But offending a policeman's delicate ego is not a crime in this country. I think we can all agree that no arrest should have been made.
Should Professor Henry Lewis Gates of Harvard Sue Cambridge Police Dept. For False Arrest? No, because it was not a false arrest.

Will Professor Henry Lewis Gates of Harvard Sue Cambridge Police Dept. For an Alleged and So-called False Arrest? Yes, because Gates has played the race card his entire life. Why should now be any different?
No way - the actions by the officer were appropriate and charges should not have been dropped.

I am fed up with the ';racism'; thing and am appalled at the ';stupidity'; of Mr. Obama.
No. It's pretty obvious that both Gates and Crowley want to put this episode behind them. Gates signed an agreement not to sue so that he could get released immediately, and although it's almost impossible to enforce those types of agreements in court it's equally difficult to sue a cop for false arrest and make it stick. I've heard through the grapevine that Crowley has been given a ';confidential off-the-record'; reprimand for arresting Gates. Police aren't suppose to enter private residences in a law enforcement capacity, except when there are exigent circumstances, they are in hot pursuit, or they are invited in the residence. Crowley screwed up but that's behind us.
No. He should stop crying racism, save face, and offer some sort of apology to the arresting officer for his conduct.
I think Mr Gates should consider a novel concept.... personal responsibility.
He probably doesn't want the transcript of his remarks about Crowley's momma made public. He would be exposed as the Bozo he is. So, no.
It reminds me of when McKinney, the congresswoman was arrested for disorderly conduct when she hit the policeman when he asked to see her ID when she was going into the capital building. I'm sure she figured it was racial profiling while the fact was, she wasn't wearing her congressional pin. There are about 435 congress members. It isn't like someone would recognize all of them. Many blacks seem to have this in the backs of their minds and it makes them over react in these circumstances.
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