It made me realise the police, like your normal Joe Bloggs will tell all sorts of lies, realising the truth in this particular case would finish them off.
Could be the reason why he was shot so many times was to make sure he would never 'awaken' to indeed tell the truth?False statements; will the officials who told the press of de Menezes' ';aggressive manner'; face a court?
Most likely the officials will not be taken to court for their false statements unless enough people who know the truth speak up and complain.
What you need to remember is that a world govt. is being formed and one of several things that must be done is convince the general public that it is in constant danger.
When the police screw up,they will say whatever they want until they get caught in a lie or two and then try to change their story.False statements; will the officials who told the press of de Menezes' ';aggressive manner'; face a court?
The man was not innocent he was here illegally had he not been so he would not have tried to run away and would not have got shot.
I understand that shanty town children are known to be shot by Police in certain South American countries because they count as vermin. I think Brazil may be one of them. A genuine error was made fortunately it is not illegal to lie to the press. However it is to lie to the Court.
The matter is closed and done. Let's just get on shall we! For whatever reason, de Menezes got shot dead. No words will ever change that. It's done.
de Menezes RIP.
Makes me wonder why a simple accident should be covered up. Blunder after blunder, lies upon lies, now they are covering up for SIR Ian Blair, incompetence is not an excuse. Will the public ever know the truth ? Is this English Justice ? I am sure the word HONOUR is not in SIR Blair's dictionary.
Would he have had a better chance in Brazil?......we all know the answer. IT WAS A MISTAKE
No chance ! ! these lot look after each other !
Of course not.
The present Government has so far done a good ';white wash';of the whole sordid affair; with the help of the chief of the Met.police force;whom they repaid by ensuring he retained his job.
Why should they ';rock the boat'; at this late date?
They have the newer problem of the ';lost discs'; and Mr Darling to deal with;and deciding how to present this as nothing of concern to the general public.
They have started by stating that they are probably on government property!
It would appear to have been a tragic accident as the Officers were given inaccurate information, but Sir Ian Blair must take the blame. I can't beleive that he wasn't aware of what had happened when he appeared on tv.
They should all be brought to justice, starting with Sir Ian Blair. An innocent man, shot dead in London all in the name of the war on terror and they tried to cover it up. Shameful!
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