Minjask - ';true. you would be amazed at how much science actualy proves God's existence.';
No evidence has ever been presented that even points towards God's existence, much less proves it.
This, obviously, does not amaze me.
What *would* amaze me is if you became the first person in the history of humanity to actually provide some evidence. So, please, amaze me. I love to be amazed.If you put Christianity on trial, say under the US courts system, would it be ruled true or false?
Science cannot prove, it can only disprove. As science concerns itself solely with material tests it cannot say anything about God. There are many evidences for God. Go amaze yourself with metaphysical evidences put forward by Kant, Hobbes, Plantinga, Craig etc.
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It would be both true and false because people hold different truths: what's true for one may not be true for the other, but that doesn't mean the other person's truth is false -- it's just not true for anther person.
If Christianity were to be put on trial, it would be the longest court hearing ever and would probably continue for all eternity since it has been under scrutiny and argument since it's inception. And it all comes down to folks arguing truths.
There was a law lecturer at Harvard University who was an atheist. He used to tell his students not to decide on anything without first considering the evidence. One day, one of his students asked him about Christianity.The lecturer said that he did not believe in Christianity. To his embarrassment he had to admit that he did not consider the evidence. So the law teacher studied Christianity. He became a Christian. His name is Simon Greenleaf (please look up Wikipaedia).
great question! the answer is it would be ruled TRUE, even under a criminal ';proof beyond a reasonable doubt'; standard.
so why are so few people Christians? because they don't actually want to hear the evidence with an open mind and an open heart, but want to rather assume that the answer is false, since that would keep things status quo for them.
Back in the day, Americas top lawyer did just that. He was an athiest but after he pur the Bible through a rigoris legal trial, he was a totally comitted Christian.
It has already been done and the Bible was ruled true.
This is a moot question, in additional to being an impossible question. The US courts system does not put belief systems on trial.
Go in peace.
And, always remember: -- Jesus loves you!!
Uncle Floyd
Innocent until proven guilty would become false until proven true. So, any religious belief (or lack of belief) would be ruled false.
Christianity created the american way and the constitution,so you will have to put itself on trial. I never heard of anyone suing themselves.
Neither. Just unconstitutional to force people to live by it.
true. you would be amazed at how much science actualy proves God's existence.
Well it can't be disproves either so under the justice system it would get off :-)
Well if we're looking for proof, then it'd definitly be ruled as false.
False, of course.
By Christian standards, all murderers would walk free.
That's sort of what Dover vs. Kitzmiller was. ID lost.
false as there is no evidence to support its claims
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